Terrorism, Disaster and Children

In this series, experts from throughout the NCTSN discuss topics related to the impact of terrorism and disaster on children as well as clinical issues such as assessment and treatment. The series is designed for clinicians, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and the general public who wish to better understand how terrorism or disasters affect children.

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Features panelists discussing the continued effect of 9/11 on families and survivors and the lessons learned in disaster response over the past two decades. Viewers will learn about advancements since 9/11, ways we need to adapt our support for bereaved families over time, and how disaster response differs for military personnel.
Hurricane Maria was a deadly Category 4 storm that created widespread devastation in Puerto Rico in September 2017. This webinar will highlight how the NCTSN brought in culturally-adapted trauma and grief interventions to several child-serving systems and are ensuring the sustainability of these practices to better identify and treat traumatized and bereaved children and families.
In this webinar, presenters examine the evolution of post-disaster interventions since 9/11.
In this webinar, presenters describe how best to prepare our children for emergencies from the standpoint of community preparedness and resilience and of emergency preparedness within school settings.
In this webinar, presenters describe their most poignant moments in the response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, the impact on their work, the role of the NCTSN, and considering its growth in the last decade the future of the disaster mental health field.
In this webinar, Joy and Howard Osofsky provide a foundation for understanding children in disasters. Topics discussed include evaluation and treatment services for traumatized children, school support services, PFA in unusual situations, resilience, and vicarious trauma. The presentation focuses on data on children affected by Katrina.
In this webinar, David Foy defines spirituality. He discusses the distinction between spirituality and religion as well as the consequences trauma has on spirituality. He addresses the signs and symptoms of a moral injury and, in concluding, discusses the importance of self-care for mental health providers.
In this webinar, Robert Macy discusses definitions of psychosocial approaches, disasters, and disaster resiliency. He also develops the concept and understanding of traumascape and outlines the PMH psychosocial continuum of care for disaster trauma. In addition, he discusses the PMH Evaluation Models and reviews the evidence base for Classroom/Culture/Community-Based Intervention (CBI).
In this webinar, Elana Newman and Bruce Shapiro provide an overview on how mental health professionals can work with journalists. They discuss the three challenges facing journalists covering disasters and terrorism and present ways mental health professionals can collaborate with the news media. Participants learn how to assess to what degree their current disaster plans are media-friendly. The presenters also provide participants with ways to describe and to plan at least one appropriate strategy to help journalists cover children and disasters. Throughout the webinar, the presenters stress the fact that journalists can collaborate with emergency responders, mental health providers, and officials if their role is respected.
In this webinar, Ann Masten addresses four aspects of resiliency. She defines resiliency and discusses why it is important to understand 'resilience', by highlighting research findings on resilience and showing how to adapt a resilience framework to practice.
In this webinar, Juliet Vogel and Peter D'Amico discuss the origins and organization of the CATS Program following September 11. They share their experiences of working with evidence-based treatment in the real world and describe the experiences of clinicians who have worked with structured assessment and a manual. They also discuss engagement, psychoeducation, narrative therapy, relapse prevention and termination, as well as working with families.
In this webinar, Marleen Wong and Melissa Brymer present a process for threat assessment and management in an educational setting. The presentation addresses the process of assessing risks of a particular individual or group of individuals and the design and implementation of management strategies to reduce those risks. Topics discussed include designing and implementing interventions, defining violent behavior, types of school violence, school violence myths, and threat assessment.
In this webinar, Russel Jones focuses on the roles cultural sensitivity and race play in research on PTSD in children. The presenter discusses his research as it relates to Katrina and African Americans.
In this webinar, Armen Goenjian and Alan Steinberg present their findings from research data on the 1988 earthquake in Spitak, Armenia and make references to other natural disasters. They present research on the longitudinal course of PTSD, controlled treatment outcomes, neurohormonal functioning, impact of single and double trauma, impact on the elderly, moral development, orphans, and genetics of PTSD and depression.
In this webinar, Judy Cohen and Michael Scheeringa provide information necessary to assess and treat PTSD in preschool children, school-aged children, and youth following a disaster. The presenters discuss developmental issues and parental issues, assessment, and treatment.
In this webinar, Robert Pynoos and Betty Pfefferbaum provide an introduction to the history and importance of child and family disaster mental health. How and where disaster services are provided is also discussed in a public health and clinical context.