While many children adjust well after a death, other children have ongoing difficulties that interfere with everyday life and make it difficult to recall positive memories of their loved ones. A child may have a traumatic reaction after a death that was sudden and unexpected (e.g., through violence or an accident) or a death that was anticipated (e.g., due to illness). If the child’s responses are severe or prolonged and interfere with his or her functioning, the child maybe experiencing Childhood Traumatic Grief. Speakers in this series discuss various topics related to Childhood Traumatic Grief.
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Offers insights into the experiences of children and families facing forced displacement in the U.S., including the trauma associated with such circumstances; strategies for coping with unconfirmed death and loss within diverse forcibly displaced communities; and provides ways to use the NCTSN resource, Coping with Unconfirmed Death for Forcibly Displaced Children and Families: Tips for Caregivers.
To date, more than 800,000 individuals in the US have died from COVID-19 and more than 140,000 children and teens have lost parents or primary caregivers to COVID-19-related deaths. Many of these youth are at heightened risk for developing traumatic stress reactions to these deaths. This webinar describes trauma-focused evidence-based treatments (EBT) for children and teens who develop traumatic stress reactions, with specific applications to familial deaths during COVID-19 for 1) young children; 2) American Indian and Alaskan Native families; 3) Black and Latinx adolescents with adjunct peer support components; and 4) diverse youth provided via telehealth.
To date the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 800,000 deaths in the United States, with more than 140,000 children losing a parent or primary caregiver to COVID-19-related deaths. Due to the nature of these deaths, many children may develop traumatic stress reactions that contribute to problematic grief responses. This webinar will describe aspects of COVID-19-related deaths that can contribute to children’s traumatic stress reactions, with an emphasis on developmental considerations and behavioral health disparities.
Childhood Traumatic Separation is a trauma in which children experience familial separation under sudden, chaotic, frightening circumstances and develop traumatic stress reactions. Unprecedented numbers of families are being separated at our southern border, and many children experience traumatic separation from close family members due to other circumstances. This webinar describes developmental, cultural, and clinical aspects of Childhood Traumatic Separation; similarities and differences between Childhood Traumatic Separation and Childhood Traumatic Grief (CTG); and how evidence-based trauma treatments for CTG can be applied for children with Childhood Traumatic Separation.
This webinar will provide a brief overview of the definition and impact of traumatic separation. Speakers will discuss the importance of understanding traumatic separation when working with youth in the foster and kincare systems. Potential strategies to reduce the impact of traumatic separation for this population will be addressed. Participants will have an opportunity to share innovative products or processes being implemented in their communities.
Este Seminario en línea ayuda a proveedores, cuidadores primarios y otros involucrados en el cuidado de los niños inmigrantes, a reconocer los efectos de la separación traumática en estos niños a diferentes edades. También, ayuda a comprender las experiencias traumáticas previas de los niños inmigrantes y brinda sugerencias prácticas para apoyar a estos niños que han sido separados de sus padres y hermanos.
Helps providers and current caregivers understand and recognize the effects of traumatic separation in immigrant children of different ages, understand how immigrant children’s prior trauma experiences influence current functioning, and provides practical suggestions for how to support immigrant children who have been separated from parents and siblings.
During both peace and conflict, children with parents in the military face unique military related stressors. Military children may develop childhood traumatic grief following the death of caregiver from combat or non-combat situations. This presentation will provide an overview of issues specific to military culture and family life, describe two models for treating military children with traumatic grief, and will highlight a military consumer voice.
Describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents. Speakers share their perspectives on being involved in the child welfare system including clinicians, former foster youth, along with a biological and foster parent. They discuss supporting foster or adoptive children and youth who are coping with traumatic separation in out-of-home care as well as the impact of traumatic separation on birth parents.
In this webinar speakers address the importance of understanding child traumatic grief and loss. The presentation focuses on the process of a young woman whose parent was lost in a tragic accident. Presenters provide a knowledge base for individuals in systems that serve children, adolescents, and their families who have experienced traumatic grief, ranging from parents, teachers, child welfare workers, resource parents, caregivers, mental health providers.
In this webinar presenters explain traumatic grief in preschool- and school-aged children, introduce resources for children and caregivers developed by Sesame Workshop and the NCTSN, and review how clinicians and caregivers can use these resources to help children in their process of grieving.
In this webinar presenters describe childhood traumatic grief and introduce their new book, Ready to Remember: Jeremy's Journey of Hope and Healing. The presenters are accompanied by two family members who answer questions posed by the presenters regarding their experience with traumatic grief, processing their grief, treatment they received and the coping skills and resilience of their families.
In this webinar presenters discuss how to recognize the uniqueness of the loss and grief American Indian children and communities experience. The presentation is framed within the context of intergenerational trauma, grief, and loss. Demographics of death and loss are reviewed. Participants gain an understanding of the importance of grounding interventions, assessments, and research in culture and community. In addition to the knowledge of two clinicians who are native to Montana tribes, two non-native clinicians describe their experiences and lessons learned from working in an American Indian community. Finally, specific examples will be used to demonstrate the process of adapting interventions to accommodate culture and evaluating instruments for cultural effectiveness.
In this webinar presenters discuss ways holidays and other personally meaningful dates can serve as trauma/grief reminders. One presenter points out how culture can dictate children's reactions to reminders and stresses the importance of therapists understanding their clients' culture. The presentation also addresses the various types of reminders: personal, public, and school related. In closing the presenters offer ways parents, teachers, and other adults can support traumatically bereaved children.
Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting. The speakers discuss key points around children's grief response. Topics discussed include physical and behavioral responses, the impact of developmental level on the grief response, impact of culture on grief, and how CTG differs from grief. Strategies for helping children cope with grief in the school setting are provided.
In this webinar Chandra Ghosh Ippen provides an overview of how working with bereaved children affects the therapist. She provides an understanding of loss from the child and caregivers' perspectives, including a discussion on how traumatic grief effects development. During the presentation she also discusses assessment and treatment options.
In this webinar Chandra Ghosh Ippen and Susana Rivera discuss culture, context, and perspective as related to the treatment of child traumatic grief. Questions addressed include: does the child need treatment, how is death experience affected by cultural and contextual factors, and how is the experience influenced by family values?