No matter the scope or topic of your training initiative, the ultimate goal of your training effort is to assure that agencies and care providers are able to sustainably implement the new treatment or practice into the continuum of care they provide to children and families. The goal of the TOOLCIT ...
Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment designed to improve the relationships between children and caregivers in families involved in arguments, frequent conflict, physical force/discipline, or child physical abuse. This course is in...
Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) is the emotional distress that results when an individual hears about the firsthand trauma experiences of another. For child-serving professionals who are exposed to details of traumatic events in the context of their work, STS is a common occupational hazard. If we ...
To date the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 800,000 deaths in the United States, with more than 140,000 children losing a parent or primary caregiver to COVID-19-related deaths. Due to the nature of these deaths, many children may develop traumatic stress reactions that contribute to problema...
To date, more than 800,000 individuals in the US have died from COVID-19 and more than 140,000 children and teens have lost parents or primary caregivers to COVID-19-related deaths. Many of these youth are at heightened risk for developing traumatic stress reactions to these deaths. This webinar des...
The Not Lost in Translation: The Clinician-Interpreter Dyad in the Mental Health Setting course is intended as a companion piece to the Not Lost in Translation face-to-face or virtual training. This course is based on the resource, A Socio-Culturally, Linguistically-Responsive, and...
Explore how trauma and disproportionality are connected and how these experiences impact young people, their families, and their communities. This webinar examines both historical and present-day causes of disproportionality, as well as how exposure to trauma can influence behaviors and interactions...
Desarrollado por Raven Cuellar, PhD, Carmen Rosa Noroña, LCSW, Ms. Ed., Ginny Sprang, PhD, and Savina Treves, MA, LPC este seminario define lo que es el Estrés Traumático Secundario (EST), describe como el contexto socio-cultural y las experiencias migratorias pueden impactar las experiencias de ...
Psychological First Aid (PFA) Online is 5-hour interactive online course that helps participants learn the core actions of PFA and describes ways to apply them in different post-disaster scenarios and with different survivor needs. This course also covers provider well-being before, during, and afte...
Unresolved trauma can negatively affect parents’ coping, parenting, and the ability to interact effectively with the child welfare system. This online course was developed for individuals who work with birth parents involved in the child welfare system, and offers tips for viewing parents through ...
In this webinar, viewers see critically important moments from three dramatized therapy sessions and hear from seasoned trauma therapists who reflect on their own experiences in working with clients of similar and different racial and ethnic backgrounds to their own. Through thoughtful discussion, p...
The Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators was developed to provide school administrators, teachers, staff, and concerned parents with basic information about working with traumatized children in the school system. The Toolkit is made up of 10 fact sheets that discuss various aspects of trauma ...