Chicks That Kick Ass

Chicks That Kick Ass: Hot Or Scary?

Obviously, in the case of the movie heroine badass, most guys would vote for “hot” without hesitation. Who doesn’t want to see Vanessa Hudgens scantily clad in a leather bustier and shooting an AK47?  But if it came down to a real life badass being your girl, would you think differently?


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The Need to Be Needed

Most guys have the inherent need to be the protector of their girl. Defend her honor. Fight off the bad guys. Be the stud. What if your girl doesn’t really need or want that from you? Is it a threat to your masculinity or do you think a girl that can defend her own honor and doesn’t hesitate to do so is a turn on?

I am not just talking about this from the angle of physical toughness or ability to shoot heavy artillery. I’m talking in more practical terms. What do you think about strong women in general? A woman who is well-educated, quick-witted, financially secure, and handy with home improvements all by her big-girl self. Essentially a girl that could completely exist without need or use for you, except for the occasional sexual exploit. Let’s be real, girls can even handle that on their own, for the most part.

Sidekick or Superhero – Which Would You Rather Be?

From my very informal polling, there seems to be a split vote on this issue. On one hand, guys appreciate a woman who can handle her own life situations and isn’t constantly dragging them into a drama-filled vortex of craziness. You are proud of her for being strong and capable, and it takes a little bit of the pressure off of you to be the hero all the time.  Plus, a girl that can take control and tell you how it’s going to be in the bedroom is a dead-sexy turn on.

On the other hand, some guys find a fiercely badass woman a little intimidating and a challenge to holding on to their man card. Men like to solve problems, to feel useful, and to be needed. They want the chance to fix stuff for their lady and be the knight in shining armor once in a while. For those guys, a woman that can take him or leave him can be a bit hard to handle for their ego.

It seems like a strong lady can be a bit like a sexy version of the double-edged sword for the fellows. The key is to strike a balance between being reduced to a non-factor and being leaned on as a savior. Let your woman know that you love that she can handle her situations, make good decisions, and carry on independently. But also let her know that it makes you feel good to know that you have helped her, been sought after for advise, had a chance to be there for her, and to help carry the load once in a while.

Let Her Know You Have Her Back

Approaching the subject from the standpoint of collaboration as opposed to condemnation or insecurity will show her that you respect her kick-assness while at the same time caring enough about her to want to help her and be needed from time to time. Even the most badass supergirl can appreciate a man willing and capable of carrying her out of a burning building if he has to.

Let her know you have her back.

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