This series will provide an overview of the CANS-Trauma and FANS-Trauma tools in relation to trauma-informed assessment, treatment and service planning, and caregiver/family engagement. The use of these assessment strategies will be discussed in a range of service settings including mental health and child welfare, and applications to trauma-informed treatment planning, sequencing, and goal setting will also be addressed. Innovative strategies for utilizing assessment data in clinical practice will also be highlighted.
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In this webinar speakers focus on strategies and innovations that support the meaningful use of the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)-Trauma and Family Assessment of Needs and Strengths (FANS)-Trauma in practice in a range of child and family settings. The presenters illustrate how the CANS/FANS-Trauma can support individual and family-informed trauma case conceptualization, and treatment planning. The also discuss interventions and strategies for using assessments in trauma-informed systems/agency planning and implementation.
In this webinar Laurel Kiser and Kay Connors describe using the FANS-Trauma to assess a family's needs and strengths and discuss treatment planning upon completing the FANS-Trauma.
In this webinar Cassandra Kisiel and Tracy Fehrenbach overview the purpose and utility of the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive as an innovative, trauma-informed assessment strategy. Applications of CANS-Traumaare also described, at both the direct service and systems levels, and across a range of service settings. Resources designed to support the implementation and use of the CANS in practice are discussed. Information on training and certification on the CANS-Trauma and use of the CANS in trauma-informed treatment and service planning and caregiver/family engagement is presented.