Master Clinicians

This series of 9 presentations brings together some of the foremost experts in the field of childhood trauma to offer a grounding in theory, research, assessment, and treatment. Presenters in this series include Bessel van der Kolk, Robert Pynoos, Esther Deblinger, Frank Putnam, and Alicia Lieberman, among others. This series is designed for the clinician or researcher new to the field of traumatic stress or the seasoned professional who is looking to expand his or her knowledge in a particular area.

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In this presentation, Bessel van der Kolk explains how trauma--especially repeated, interpersonal trauma such as sexual or physical abuse--affects a child's developing brain.
In this presentation Frank Putnam synthesizes research and clinical knowledge about normal brain development and the high impact that the stress response has on the developing brain. He highlights the clinical application for clinicians and other professionals who work with traumatized children.
In this presentation three experienced clinician-researchers in the field of child traumatic stress highlight the developmental impact of child trauma on early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Case vignettes describing the treatment of traumatized children and adolescents are used to illustrate the presenters' evidence-based treatment models.
In this presentation John Briere outlines the major issues associated with the assessment of trauma in children and adolescents. Topics covered include (1) psychometrics, (2) comparison between the benefits and limitations of self-reporting and caretaker reports, (3) specific targets for evaluation, and (4) choice of assessment instruments. Several specific standardized, trauma-focused tests are reviewed.
In this presentation Robert Pynoos and Alessia Gottlieb discuss the complexity of children's reaction to and processing of traumatic events.
In this presentation Esther Deblinger discusses the inter-relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to stressful events. She explains how cognitive processing can assist parents in coping with their own distress and help them to respond more effectively to their children. Also discussed are how childrens thoughts can influence their recovery from trauma positively and negatively and how cognitive processing can help identify and correct dysfunctional beliefs children may develop as a result of trauma.
In this presentation Michael de Arellano speaks about issues related to trauma in Latino/Hispanic populations.
In this presentation David Pelcovitz addresses the treatment needs of adolescents who have experienced trauma and still find themselves in challenging situations. He focuses on coping strategies, cultivating awareness, making connections with others, and creating meaning, all components of the SPARCS (Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress) approach.
In this presentation Alicia Lieberman defines trauma in the early years and discusses the sources of traumatic events. She describes in detail the impact of trauma on a child's early development and discusses the role caregivers play in a child's response to trauma. Treatment goals when treating both child and parent are outlined and best practices for assessment of young children are presented. The presentation also provides specific information on traumatic grief in young children.