Polyvictimization and Complex Trauma

Polyvictimization and Complex Trauma: Understanding Special Populations, Enhancing Multidisciplinary Responses to Polyvictimization

This webinar series, a collaborative effort between the OVC National Action Partnership on Polyvictimization and the NCTSN Complex Trauma Workgroup and Complex Trauma Treatment Network, focuses on complex trauma and polyvictimization as they affect a wide range of populations and offers useful tools to a broad range of professionals, including educators, mental health providers, law enforcement, judicial personnel, and child welfare workers.

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In this presentation, series moderator Regina Musicaro reviews key points from thewebinars within the Enhancing Multidisciplinary Responses to Polyvictimization: Complex Trauma Speaker Series and answers participants' questions.
In this webinar Sujata Regina Swaroop discusses the complex issuesof human trafficking, how it transects with both polyvictimization and complex trauma, and how to serve survivors.
In this webinar, Aliza Yarrow discusses the complex trauma adaptations employed by LGBTQ youth and adults who have experienced victimization and polyvictimization. Topics addressed include ways multidisciplinary providers can address the specific needs of LGBTQ youth and adults as well as addressing issues of stigma and discrimination.
In this webinar Joshua Arvidson and Christopher Blodgett discuss the scope of polyvictimization in young children, its impact in early learning programs, and emerging intervention practices with emphasis on work underway in Alaska and Washington State.
In this webinar speakers discuss the impact--as well as historical and societal context--of polyvictimization in urban communities of color. Speakers describe levels of trauma exposure among urban youth of color, the impact of structural violence, and promising community interventions in Chicago and Philadelphia.
In this webinar Christopher Blodgett examines the effects of polyvictimization on the K-12 school environment, particularly examining risk for truancy, drop-out, and need for special education services. The presenter describes efforts in Washington State to measure ACEs among school children, as well as several important elements oftrauma-informed schools.
In this webinar Stephen Procopio discusses polyvictimization as it relates to the commercial sexual exploitation ofboys and adolescent males. He describes unique issues for both runaway and "throwaway" youth, as well as implications for contracting HIV.
In this webinar Lisa Goldblatt-Grace defines CSEC and describes the scope of the problem of the commercial sexual exploitation of both girls and young women in the US. Through case examples, the presenter describes how childhood sexual abuse and other early traumas can increase risk for CSEC and complicate efforts at engagement and treatment.
In this webinar Julian Ford provides participants with information about polyvictimization and resources for those working with children and adults in child welfare, medical,mental health, and educational settings.
In this webinar Bessel van der Kolk discusses early work in the NCTSN to describe the prevalence of complex trauma and polyvictimization, as well as ongoing efforts to support the new diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder. He also presents a review of the neuroscience on attachment and trauma.
In this webinar Julian Ford provides an overview of the effects of polyvictimization on youth involved in the juvenile justice system. Polyvictimized youth are at risk for more severe behavioral, emotional, and physical health problems than those ofother youth who have had legaldifficulties. Approaches to identifying this highly vulnerable subgroup and providing them and their families with help in recovering from victimization are presented.